The WUHS Library houses a number of print resources related to your area of study. Using the WUHS SHARE catalog link below, you can search Waterford High School library to locate print resources that you can check out for a two-week loan period with the option to renew:
Because we are part of the Lakeshores Library Consortium, if the WUHS library doesn't carry the exact title you'd like, you can simultaneously search all the libraries in the consortium through the same WUHS SHARE catalog link by electing to search EVERYWHERE; to receive these titles via interlibrary loan, simply place a hold (or ask a librarian to place a hold for you) on titles at any other library. These items will be delivered to the WUHS library and subsequently to you.
Potential Search Phrases - Using an EVERYTHING Search in our catalog (same as a keyword search), you can search for the topics you are researching. As you find titles that are relevant, find out what the subject terms are for those topics - then try your search term as a SUBJECT search.
Keyword search: gun control,education, homework, performance enhancing drugs, doping, national security, terrorism, college athletes
Subject search: Educational Accountability, Doping in Sports